This is the dark, short story of a chance encounter between two young women that will forever change their lives.At the age of seventeen, after surviving a heartbreaking, soul wrenching childhood at the hands of a monster, Francesca Wright finds hers...
Ariel Kimber is a 17-year-old girl who, thanks to her mother, has had a life full of unpleasantness and abuse. And it’s about to get a whole lot worse. After her mother meets a man online, Ariel is forced to move to a different state, leaving all t...
Ariel Kimber is a seventeen year old girl who has recently discovered she is no ordinary girl. She's a witch and she's got magic. Her world is turned upside down with this discovery and the recent death of a parent. She struggles...
Blood Magic is book 3 in the Ariel Kimber Series.Ariel Kimber isn’t your average seventeen-year-old girl. She’s recently discovered she’s a witch with magic and is looking to find her place in a brand-new world. Her place in this new world is i...
Ariel Kimber is a 17 year old girl who has not lived a very happy-go-lucky life so far. So much so, she's never been able to celebrate to joys of Halloween before.This year, things are different. This year, Ariel's got herself a whole new family, and...
Black as Midnight is the next full-length novel in the Ariel Kimber series.Ariel Kimber has finally settled into her life. Not only does she have a safe place to call home, one she actually loves living at, but she’s got the best roommate a girl co...
Rain Kimber thought that finding his daughter and finally being able to be a part of her life after so many years without her would be the end of his adventure.He thought he’d find her, take care of the woman who’d stolen his child away from him ...
Ariel Kimber has settled into life with her family and coven. Everything seems to be as it should, and she finally feels like she's exactly where she needs to be in her life.Her dad is awesome and she loves getting to know him.Her guys are the best a...
One half of a whole. That's what I always thought I'd be. Being an identical twin, I always believed I had that to rely on. I thought wrong.Losing half of that whole left me feeling like I had nothing. It crippled me. Almost destroyed me.And left me ...
Ariel Kimber and her coven are under imminent threat from the Council. They are monsters, without fangs or horns, who hide behind their mantle of power, and they will do anything to get what they want.The problem is, they want Ariel. They want her so...
Isobel has been through a lot more than the average woman in her short life.Family murdered.Tortured by the Council.Rescued by a beautiful man she’s obsessed with.She’s not the average witch. She’s slightly broken, plagued by horrib...
Isobel finds herself in a place she never expected to be again— living out yet another nightmare come to life.She thought all the monsters were dead and gone. She thought wrong. And so had everyone else.Rain, Romero, and Finn are lost and back ...
Trenton and Simon are brothers by blood but their connection goes a whole lot deeper than just that.They grew up knowing that they'd spend their lives searching for that one special female witch it was their job to protect. Female witches were rare a...
Autumn was born amongst the Forest Witches but due to the markings covering the majority of her entire body she’s spent her entire life as an outcast amongst them.Being born different isn’t always easy. In fact, for autumn, being differen...