Meet Rad Sanders, the most terrifying serial killer you will ever encounter, in a thriller unlike any you have ever read...Lu Jakes lives with her alcoholic father and abusive stepmother at Hidden Creek Lodge in the Utah mountains. When the beautiful...
Lu owes her life to the daemon Talion, and now he demands repayment -- she must bear him a child. As a teenager, Lu Darlington attracted national attention when she and her friend Lisa escaped a sadistic killer known as the Professor of Death. Sh...
Daniele is a loner. The way she looks at it, who needs other people when you can read a good book? Worried about her reclusive ways, her brother gives her a parakeet so she won't be altogether alone. She takes the bird reluctantly and names him Yubi....
There's plenty of room for another grave in the mountains... Talented but unstable photographer Day Randall has been living rent-free in Kelly Durrell's Colorado condo for eight months. Day needs someone to keep an eye on her. Kelly needs someone to...
Sometimes going home is the most dangerous thing you can do.Junkie burnout Troy Ingram murders an elderly couple outside small-town Morrison, Illinois. He's supposed to make it look like a robbery, but there's so much blood he panics and flees. When ...
Our war will not unfold in your imaginary heaven. We will fight on Earth with human beings as pawns and weapons. Lu Darlington is a seer, bound to the daemon Talion through ritual and blood. It's not a role she enjoys, but she has little choice:...
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Mary Maddox has published 6 books.
Mary Maddox does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Daemon Blood, was published in March 2022.
The first book by Mary Maddox, Talion, was published in April 2012.