King Nicholas Rostov vows to protect his beloved country from both Napoleon's troops and the Brotherhood, a band of terrorists threatening his borders. When the mysterious slave, Sera, saves him from an assassination attempt, Nicholas brings her home...
The lush time of ancient, epic Greece comes alive in this gripping novel of mythology, adventure, and romance. . . . In a time when the gods still walked the earth, a Macedonian king provoked by greed and jealousy prepares to conquer neighboring Thes...
When Aubrey Drelincourte regains consciousness in an Indian jungle, his wife lies dead by his side, felled by a bullet from the pistol in his hand. Aubrey returns to England to defend himself in a trial before the House of Lords. His cousin and heir,...
Lord Devlin Charmichael, tries to balance his life as a member of high society and a British spy, as he attempts to save the life of his half brother, the king of Zaranbad, from terrorists, at the same time courting Lady Caroline Berring....