Though couched as a novel, really more like a sequence of connected short stories. Following the career of a teacher who seeks her work out among far flung colonies and alien planets, each chapter features a new world, with distinct cultures and pitf...
Morgan Farraday, an administrator from Earth, becomes involved in the destiny of the planet Jaspre when her daughter Dee meets the charismatic Anders Ahlwen, whose followers receive psychic powers and a transcendent spiritual reality from the artific...
Teenage Maya and the other colonists on the planet Ceti try to resist being taken over by another hostile Earth colony on a neighboring world, while debating how to treat the native, possibly intelligent creatures called hlur....
Though the voices of women in th eKalevala are muted, their roles are important. Stolen brides, lonely lives on isolated farms-those voices clamor to be heard. Wives, sisters, and daughters have their own stories, often more poignant than those of th...
In the space-faring future, it is always winter in thelumipaikka (snowland) of the planet Jaspre. Here, a colony of Finns have adopted ancient practices in order to survive. Old myths again have relevance as the artificial satellite, Argus, transfor...