Lacey, formerly a captain in Arlen's Special Force, finds the idle life of a wealthy ship-owner boring. When he seeks information regarding the issuance of government shipping contracts from Darley, an official, Darley offers to introduce him to Adri...
Six Earthyears after the pivotal event that radically changed Signe's and Arlen's perceptions of each other, Galt, the perpetrator of a heinous crime that no one, even Arlen, suspects he committed, plots to overthrow Arlen. Well aware of his danger, ...
At the headquarters of the Interworld Corps, the matching of couples continues. Theo instantly warms to his prospective bride, until she frankly makes a confession that scandalizes the morally upright Gaean. Managing to control the violent emotions u...
In this second volume of the two-volume fifth novel of the series, Hogar's friend Wolf, who went renegade so as to keep his ship from being confiscated by unscrupulous financial manipulators, runs out of parts to sell to rock-hopper captains. In desp...
In this first volume of the two-volume fifth novel of the series, Merline, a Gaean spacer-fighter, crash-docks a lifeboat in Columbia, and gets captured, after learning that Slade, a Second Corps captain, deals in illicit drugs. Callously and secretl...
In this second volume of the two-volume sixth novel of the series, Marianne marries Sebastian, despite harboring troubling misgivings about doing so. Sebastian, now a teaching fellow at the University and a consultant to the Ministry of Internal Secu...
In this first volume of the two-volume sixth novel of the series, Sebastian, Chief of Internal Security of the Military Complex, captures and interrogates Marianne, a Gaean spy who accessed secret data. Knowing that if Milhauss discovers that she ent...
Having purchased a second ship, Lacey hires Gaean women. Rafael, now Captain, appoints as second officer Matesi, a Gaean ex-rockhopper spacer. Lacey hires four Gaean women and two Gaean men. Adrienne fears that if these likeable new shipmates find ou...
Aubrey, brother of Islara, a female broker, unwittingly causes Regan, a former Second Corps Captain turned broker, a huge financial loss. To prevent Regan's pressing charges, Islara offers to work for Regan for a mere pittance. The irate broker of...
Four Earthyears before Signe drives Norman’s force of invaders off Gaea, Michael, Captain of a six-man Columbian military scientific team, docks a crippled ship on an isolated Gaean space station occupied by a team of civilian researchers. The Colu...
As launch approaches, Michael initiates changes that he sees as necessary if he succeeds, eventually, in persuading his crewmen to accept his wild plan, so as to keep Cleo safe. He announces that since the voyage home could take an Earthyear, seven p...
Having fallen deeply in love with Cleo, his Gaean prisoner of war, Michael, Captain of a Columbian crew stranded on an abandoned space station, worries constantly about what he knows will happen to Cleo, when their improvised escape vehicle arrives i...
After founding a new world on Wheeler, as described in the third novel in the series, Partnership of Equals, Signe and Arlen begin implementing their plan to create a computer program that will match some seventy couples for compatibility. Having con...
Signe and Arlen found the Interworld Corps: a body of spacer-fighters, half Gaean and half Columbian, dedicated to keeping the peace newly forged between Gaea and Columbia. The former archenemies marry, having fallen in love after achieving the accor...
Lacey, formerly a captain in Arlen's Special Force, finds the idle life of a wealthy ship-owner boring. When he seeks information regarding the issuance of government shipping contracts from Darley, an official, Darley offers to introduce him to Adri...
The old patriarchal homestead is still standing. The land is still there. The heir doesn't know he owns it yet. For three generations there have only been women in the family. How do the residual spirits atone for their anger, when they discover they...