A horror story about friendship, growing up, and finding a place in the world: Gremlins meets The Breakfast Club by way of Stephen King and Stranger Things. In the summer of 1982, five friends discover an ancient stone box hidden deep in the woods...
In the spirit of Adam Gidwitz comes a fairytale for the modern reader, but this time, the faeries are the monsters lurking in the shadows.In a city overrun by war, Luka doesn't have time for games. So when his little sister asks him to care for her f...
The first in a hilarious middle-grade series about a whip-smart inventor and amateur sleuth with a taste for adventure -- a recipe for fun sprinkled with mystery, villainy, silliness, heart, and hope.Bridget Baxter is the very last orphan at the Orph...
Follow the brilliant Bridget Vanderpuff on a thrilling new adventure as she investigates the mystery of the ghost train haunting her town -- perfect for fans of Katherine Arden and Beth Lincoln!Belle-on-Sea is getting ready for the Night of the Hungr...
Follow the brilliant Bridget Vanderpuff on another action-packed adventure as she sets off for Paris in this middle grade novel perfect for fans of The Great British Baking Show and Beth Lincoln!Someone has stolen Mr. Vanderpuff’s golden whisk!...
Join Bridget Vanderpuff, Best Worst Baker in the World, and her best friend Tom on a spooky Halloween-themed mystery, high in the Alpine mountains where something ghoulish lurks... This final adventure is a recipe for fun with villainy, cake and spri...
Stolen whisky, drug dealers, bent cops, social influencers and yakuza mobsters. And Robbie Gould is caught in the middle. 1964. A hoard of the finest Scotch whisky ever made â€" the legendary Dalziel Double Proof â€" goes missing. 2023. Albie, youn...
Follow the brilliant Bridget Vanderpuff on another action-packed adventure as she sets off for Paris in this middle grade novel perfect for fans of The Great British Baking Show and Beth Lincoln!Someone has stolen Mr. Vanderpuff’s golden whisk!...