An obsessed cop gets a second chance to take down a madman he failed to arrest a decade earlier in this thriller by the author of Combustion. Pittsburgh, 1986: The city is gripped in a panic as a maniac slips poison onto pharmacy shelves. A...
This chilling legal thriller that brings readers into the depths of human memory “hooks you . . . right through to the last page” (Michael Connelly, New York Times"bestselling author of The Black Box). For generations the ...
The author of Straw Men continues his Memory Series with “a terrific read for lovers of political suspense” (Rebecca Forster, USA Today"bestselling author). Two men stand out in a crowd overlooking the Ohio River. A plane is being remove...
In this suspense thriller from the author of Time Release, a California cop investigates a developer’s murder as his world catches fire. The dry season has hit the Inland Empire of California, depleting the ponds and revealing the muddy grave ...