For readers of "The Nightingale" and "Sarah’s Key," inspired by the life of a real World War II heroine, this remarkable debut novel reveals the power of unsung women to change history in their quest for love, freedom, and second chances. New Yo...
The runaway bestseller Lilac Girls introduced the world to the real-life heroine Caroline Ferriday. Now, a generation earlier, this sweeping new novel featuring Caroline's mother, Eliza, follows three equally indomitable women from St. Petersburg...
Martha Hall Kelly’s million-copy bestseller Lilac Girls introduced readers to Caroline Ferriday. Now, in Sunflower Sisters, Kelly tells the story of Ferriday’s ancestor Georgeanna Woolsey, a Union nurse during the Civil War whose calling leads he...
From New York Times best-selling author of Lilac Girls Martha Hall Kelly and coauthor Kathy Murray comes a novella based on Murray's true underdog story, following her time coaching a German cheerleading squad and ultimately inspiring a group of youn...
Two female spies risk everything to hunt down an infamous Nazi in this sweeping, profound tale of bravery from the bestselling author of Lilac Girls. “A riveting story of two brave and amazing women who work in the French resistance during World W...
Two sisters living on Martha's Vineyard during World War II find hope in the power of storytelling when they start a wartime book club for women -- a spectacular novel inspired by true events from the New York Times bestselling author of Lilac Girls....