This is a complicated tale of life, love, and betrayal revolving around ninety-year-old matriarch Eugenie Balashovskaya. She is approaching the end of her life, but her apartment in Paris is very much alive with the comings and goings of her family a...
Ulrike Hugenot is a young pianist who arrives home to her Berlin apartment and discovers a fat envelope stuffed into her mailbox. She is astonished when she realizes that it is from her late father Gustave’s Canadian lover.
“I am writing t...
Strikingly original in its structure, composed of highly distilled, lyric reports in which you discover if Rigoletto, the hunchbacked jester from Verdi’s opera is alive and living in Toronto. In a Toronto library, notes appear, written by someone w...
Brimming with the creativity behind David Mitchell's masterpiece Cloud Atlas in a far north setting, The Search for Heinrich Schlogel is a sophisticated story with magical underpinnings. Martha Baillie's hypnotic novel foll...
Brimming with the creativity behind David Mitchell's masterpiece Cloud Atlas in a far north setting, The Search for Heinrich Schlogel is a sophisticated story with magical underpinnings.
Martha Baillie’s hypnotic novel follows Heinrich SchlÃ...