A rough truce divides the known galaxy between the System, the despotic slave empire that rules the inner systems, and the Confederation of Free Worlds. A ConFree unit is dispatched to defend a remote world from a mysterious Systie incursion. Our her...
In the volcanic cauldron of Andrion 3, the young Legion trooper Thinker and his squad battle a merciless alien enemy that has never known defeat. The mission is victory or death, for failure will mean extinction of their species....
The survivors of Squad Beta are in the grip of the Star, an alien artifact that will take them into another universe and into the past. Only there can they find their missing comrades - and there may be no return....
A trail of crucified humans leads the Legion squad to the Mound, an alien outpost where certain death awaits them. Beta Three knows they are all going to die but he is no longer afraid. All he wants is revenge....
READ YOUR OWN HEART â€" THEN WALK YOUR OWN ROAD..All I wanted was a little reassurance â€" a glimpse of the future. I shouldn’t have asked.“I speak from the Realm of the Dead,” Moontouch said. “You will abandon me and your son, again, leaving...
What do you owe the future, and what do you owe the past?
With the hated totalitarian System on the verge of collapse and the dreaded alien Omnis observing an unexpected truce, veteran soldier of the Legion Thinker has finally found happiness...
In the era of total galactic war, can one squad really make a difference? On a hostile planet, Legion trooper Thinker and his comrades of Squad Beta are ordered to assault the invading encampment of alien Omins. But the moment they are dropped into t...
An ancient enemy threatens the galaxy. Squad Delta of the ConFree Legion stands in the way. At first, Richard is terrified - he is a lover, not a fighter. But he walks through the Legion Gate, and finds himself in a squad of heroes. Ordinary troopers...
The young prophets of Delta Research struggle with the consequences of their talents as ConFree draws closer to the final struggle between the titanic forces of light and darkness. Yes, they can change the future. But questions arise - will the resul...
Can the Gods read the future? Maybe not, but Delta Research can. We are nine young immortals, recently returned from the dead - with a little help from Dimension X. We struggle with the awesome, alien powers of the Eye to foresee the fate of the gala...
In the wake of an apocalyptic alien attack on Quaba, the young prophets of ConFree struggle to rebuild their shattered nation. Facing an endless war with Dark Haven, Prophet and his comrade Arie must counter a pitiless shape shifter from the edge of ...
The galaxy is changing. Deadly enemies are becoming trusted allies, and the prophets of Galactic Resources face new challenges as mysterious alien spies appear in ConFree. "A revolution is not done in a day," rebel Demons say. The ConFree Legion f...
The Dark Cloud War is an endless nightmare for Exploitation recon trooper Prophet and his squadies. The alien Choakar are wreaking havoc on Berichros, joined by the Realm, slaughtering millions with GX bioweapons. Strange new aliens suddenly appea...
Immortality and Death on the Pathways of the GodsIn a dark future the Confederation of Free Worlds is over-run by enemies both foreign and domestic. The ship of state is adrift, riding stormy seas, guided by subversives who hate the people of ConFree...
A savage tide of alien intruders are infiltrating the distant reaches of the Deadvac and the Icy Way, enslaving millions of kidnapped, brainwashed innocents. As the aliens approach the Outvac the young troopers of the ConFree Legion confront them. Co...
I have burnt the Book of Laws to serve the Deadman's Cause as a soldier of the Legion.A giant rogue star burns a fiery path to the Crista Cluster, relentless and final. Is it a terrifying natural event or a genocidal attack on humanity? The ConFree L...