A former investment banker who destroyed his career by laundering money for a powerful drug cartel, Jack Farrell is on the run from both the FBI and ruthless drug lords, until a deadly challenge from a seductive filmmaker puts him on a collision c...
Joining a group of sportsmen and women in the snowbound, isolated interior of British Columbia, Diana Jackman must summon the abilities imparted to her by her uncle, a Native American shaman, to save the party from a serial killer. Reprint....
World-weary documentary filmmaker Patrick Gallagher finds himself drawn to local police officer Andie Nightingale as a series of grisly, senseless murders threatens to unlock evil secrets from the past and to reveal a dark legacy for which a maniacal...
A divorced, second generation homicide detective out of San Diego, Seamus Moynihan figures heÃ,¹s witnessed the worst kind of violence humans can visit upon one another. Then heÃ,¹s summoned to a crime scene where the victim, a naked man, has b...
The Jefferson Club is a remote, private resort for the super-rich -- the buildings, the amenities, and the security are state of the art and beyond compare. Many of the world's wealthiest people -- business leaders, entrepreneurs, politicians, ce...
A San Diego cop confronts a snake-charming cultist Late at night in a posh San Diego resort, a man feels his blood turn to fire. He writhes in agony on Egyptian-cotton sheets, sure he is dying but unaware of the cause. When a Kenyan chambermaid fi...
Based on the true story of a forgotten hero, "Beneath a Scarlet Sky" is the triumphant, epic tale of one young man’s incredible courage and resilience during one of history’s darkest hours. Pino Lella wants nothing to do with the war or the Na...