Move over, Wimpy Kid. Here comes the imaginative, the inquisitive, the unstoppable Marty Pants! Meet Marty in the side-splitting first book of a new series written by Mark Parisi, the award-winning cartoonist of the Off the Mark comic. Marty Pants...
Marty Pants returns in the hilarious fully illustrated second book of a three-book middle grade series. This time, Marty has to uncover the big, hairy truth about himself. From the award-winning cartoonist of the syndicated Off the Mark comic, Mark P...
Marty Pants returns to face his archenemy Simon, the so-called school artist, in his third adventure! How is Simon turning their classmates, teachers, and even the mayor against Marty -- could it be magic? Is Simon literally a charmer who is charming...
The cartoon book for the dog lover! Chew This Book is packed with all your favorite off the mark dog cartoons.You'll love it and so will your dog. Maybe you should buy two. Makes a great gift for the dog lover!...
Charlotte “Charli” Wilson thought Alex Andropov would always be her best BFF in the whole wide world. From crushes to butterfly phobias to secret hidden blankies, there’s never been a secret they couldn’t share. Charli even showed Alex the su...