Dissatisfied with his life, middle-aged Robert Lam sets out on a voyage up the coast of Vancouver Island on a quest to discover himself, an odyssey that takes him on a strange journey into the past of India Thackeray, his long-dead mother...
In Visible Worlds, award-winning Canadian poet and playwright Marilyn Bowering has created a beguiling, multilayered novel that brings together two seemingly disparate stories as it traces the shattering personal consequences of war.
What It Takes to Be Human, the haunting new novel by Orange Prizeâ€"shortlisted author Marilyn Bowering, considers the life of Sandy Grey, an idealistic young air cadet who wants nothing more than to enlist in the Second World War. Sandy’s father, ...
Fourteen-year-old Cathreen is at a turning point: ahead of her is more of the path that has taken her to a lake at a deserted scout camp where a girl is bullied and left to drown; behind her is the dull existence she leads with her mother in a sma...