In a bleak and apocalyptic future, Julia Benzoni flees the violence-saturated world of her mafia family to build a peaceful life in a No Name Town, Montana. Now, while civilization disintegrates into anarchy around her and evil men prey on the innoce...
In a bleak and apocalyptic future, where the Zyrgin Warriors are getting ready to conquer Earth, Marcie is sent to infiltrate the alien stronghold in the Rocky Mountains, only to be betrayed by her own people. Instead of stealing the alien’s techno...
Sabrina married Mark after only knowing him for two weeks. Although he’s the man of her dreams, the man she loves more than life itself, she’s started getting strange vibes from him. Sometimes, she could swear he moves faster than the human eye c...
In a bleak future where government systems are breaking down and poverty and violence reign, Madison Johnson is about to qualify as a doctor, after years of study and backbreaking work, in order to keep the promise she made to her dying sister, only ...
In a bleak future, where government systems are breaking down and poverty and violence reign, on an abandoned farm in Montana, Susannah had a simple plan. She’d capture an alien, sell him to the resistance, and use the money to save her son.Instead...
On a future earth, Aurora has been desperately searching for her long-lost sister, when she is sacrificed to Balthazar, leader of the fearsome Cyborgs who invaded earth. Now she is stuck on an alien spaceship with a crazy Cyborg who thinks she can gi...
The Final Book in the Zyrgin Warrior Series. On a planet in a far away galaxy Sarah battles with an arrogant emperor who wants her to be merely a breeder, while she wants to be his beloved empress....
Five years ago, when Rafe demanded a paternity test, Lindi was devastated.When the test came back negative and Rafe believed science over her word, Lindi realized the man she'd loved with all of her heart had never loved her.Now Rafe is back in her l...
In her father's magical crystal and steel palace, ensconsed in a beautiful tower, Lana dreams of adventure and romance and admire the handsome man who drove past her window every week. She never dreamed he'd climb the tower to meet her or...
In a bleak future, where government systems are breaking down, and poverty and violence reign, Rose wakes from a horrific ordeal, only to find that aliens have taken over Earth while she was unconscious. One of them claimed her as his breeder, and no...
A marriage with a mission.That's what cyborg Anatu keeps telling herself. Volunteering to marry the human president of Earth, John Davies, was a sacrifice she was willing to make in order to convince this president to use his army to war against the ...
Did she run from one monster into the arms of a bigger monster?On the run to keep her four-year-old daughter safe from her monstrous ex, Marysol is determined to never again marry, never trust again, never love again. The last thing she expected was ...
Her precious baby was half vampire!Rejected by her hunter family, Breona is desperate to have a family of her own. She has a daughter through artificial insemination, and she was content. Then an arrogant vampire appears, claiming her daughter was ha...