Sweeping through one hundred years of Scandinavian history, this luminous story follows three generations of Swedish women -- a grandmother, a mother, and a daughter -- whose lives are linked through a century of great love and great loss. Resonating...
Simon is an ordinary boy growing up in rural Sweden. Ordinary that is until the Second World War is declared; until he makes friends with Isak, a psychologically damaged Jewish boy who has fled with his father from Nazi Germany; and until he is told...
Long ater the death of Christ, the apostles seek out Mary Magdalene. They have come for her memories of Jesus, as she was closest to and most loved by him. Thus begins her story: her childhood and the murder of her parents; her education and service ...
In her #1 international bestseller Hanna's Daughters, Marianne Fredriksson brilliantly evoked three generations of mothers, daughters, and the men in their lives. Now, in her haunting new novel, she traces the extraordinary relationship between a mot...
Inge is tall and cool and Mira is petite and dynamic. When they meet, each is attracted by something special and different about the other. But friendships based on the attractions of opposites can be stormy, and theirs is no exception. Blonde Inge i...