Set in the Baltic provinces in the aftermath of World War I, Coup de Grace tells the story of an intimacy that grows between three young people hemmed in by civil war: Erick, a Prussian fighting with the White Russians against the Bolsheviks; Conr...
In this collection of the eminent writer's most important essays, her illuminating critical intelligence ranges from the Rome of "Historia Augusta" through the sixteenth century to the moderns Selma Lagerlof, Constantin Cavafy and Thomas Mann...
During the space of a day in Rome in 1933, a ten-lira coin passes through the hands of nine people-including an aging artist, a prostitute, and a would-be assassin of Mussolini. The coin becomes the symbol of contact between human beings, each los...
This collection includes: How Wand-fo was Saved, Marko's Smile, The Milk of Death, The Last Love of Princess Genji, The Man Who Loved the Nereids, Our Lady of the Swallows, Aphrodissia; the Widow, Kali Beheaded, The End of Marko Kraljevic, The Sad...
"Set in Rembrandt''s Amsterdam, ""An Obscure Man"" is the story of Nathanaël—innocent, open to experience—born like Everyman upon the stream of life. In ""A Lovely Morning,"" Nathanaël''s young son joins a touring company of Jac...
This posthumously published collection of essays takes up such diverse subjects as the poet Oppian, Tantrism, the feasts of the Christian year, Durer, the Japanese studies of Ivan Morris, the erotic mysticism of the Gita-Govinda, the eternal spiri...
This story collection is a welcome port of entry for any reader not yet familiar with Marguerite Yourcenar’s works.Published to great acclaim in France in 1993, this collection is not only a delight for Marguerite Yourcenar fans but a welcome ...
Both an exploration of character and a reflection on the meaning of history, Memoirs of Hadrian has received international acclaim since its first publication in France in 1951. In it, Marguerite Yourcenar reimagines the Emperor Hadrian's arduous ...