Four city-bred children find themselves on their own in an unheated New England farmhouse in this captivating tale by the author of The Velveteen Rabbit. With their father gone on a business trip and their mother assisting a faraway relative, Kay, Ga...
A charming tale of self-acceptance, love, loss, and magic, The Velveteen Rabbit is one of the most enduring children's stories in literary history.‘Once you are real you can't become unreal again. It lasts for always.’ - Margery Williams Set in ...
Poor Cecco longs to explore the world beyond the toy box, so the spunky wooden dog determines to conduct a treasure hunt. Join Bulka, the woeful rag puppy, cheerful Harlequin, Easter Chicken, greedy Money-Pig, and other spirited toys for a host of ad...
The beloved story of how toys become real, now as a touch-and-feel, lift-the-flap book for kids of all ages!The beloved story of how toys become real, now as a touch-and-feel, lift-the-flap book for kids of all ages! Charles Santore’s beautiful, be...
Enter the enchanting world of The Little Wooden Doll, a timeless tale written by Margery Bianco. Follow the journey of a tiny wooden doll as she embarks on a quest to discover her purpose and find her place in the world.In this charming story, reader...