Winner of the Utah Arts Council award for fiction in 1990, Elegies and Love Songs explores, with a writerly skill matched only by its depth and sensitivity, lives and problems situated largely in the Great Basin area of the West but universally human...
Meet Archie - a 10-year-old boy from a very ordinary family, who lives on an ordinary street and who goes to a very ordinary primary school, but he has an EXTRAORDINARY grandad!Archie's mum and dad are busy working parents who try hard to juggle thei...
Archie had had the best time ever with Grandad in France during the summer. Now he was full of confidence, proud of who he was and the local French cycling champion!When he returned to school, he was determined to make a difference.Life was good... t...
Archie, Pascal and Sophia delve into the past and bring one of Claudine's tales to life when they discover the story of Pierre's life during the second world war.Grandad and Maurice uncover Pierre's whereabouts but little did they know that what they...