Set in the years between 1914 and 1921, Margaret Skinner's rollicking, often hilarious fictional saga of the fortunes of several generations of an Irish-American family draws on the swirling life of Memphis, Tenneseess, to tell a story that usually g...
Surrounded by religious images and quarreled over by family members with clashing faiths, young Molly, a twelve-year-old girl whose wandering eye causes her to see dual images, seeks peace and guidance from the Holy Spirit of the trinity...
In mid-1950s Memphis, Tennessee, twelve-year-old Molly Flanagan struggles with double vision, family drama, piano lessons, and her own self-confidence, all while feeling pulled between the religious instruction of her Catholic godmother, Byrd, and he...
In the collected stories of Cold Eye, the characters face emotional mishaps, soulful sorrow and sucker-punch surprises in the City of Memphis, alternately known over the years as the murder capital of America, the home of the blues, and the birthplac...