An adventure in the Land of Oz! During an age long before Dorothy Gale met the Wizard of Oz, the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion, Glinda, Jack Pumpkinhead, or the Wicked Witch of the West ... A year has passed since the parents of Aiden...
The adventure in the magical Land of Oz continues in “The Dark Witch of Oz” as the Silverglade family, accompanied by the Army of South Grace, searches for its parents who became lost under mysterious circumstances. After befriending good witches...
The adventures of the Silverglade family in the Land of Oz continue! Aiden Silverglade and the Good Warlock Del have discovered themselves to be trapped in a nervous hospital called the Manor House of Oz. To exacerbate the matter, the two friends hav...