Chronicling nearly two thousand years of history, this panoramic saga follows the destiny of Abraham, a Jewish scribe, and his descendants from the burning of Jerusalem under the Romans to the 1943 battle of the Warsaw ghetto...
From the internationally bestselling author of Sarah comes the riveting story of the remarkable woman who walked beside Moses. Although she is a Cushite by birth -- one of the people of the lands to the south -- Zipporah grew up as the beloved daught...
At a time when Charlemagne ruled, the Byzantines were encroaching upon Russia, and the faith of Allah was flourishing in Baghdad, there existed a kingdom with a tolerant, advanced civilization: somewhere between the Caucasus mountains and the Volga, ...
The ancient world and its politics come to life through the eyes of a young Jewish woman, Mary of Nazareth Miriam -- also known as Mary -- was born into a Palestine oppressed by Herod the Great; she is accustomed to living with uncertainty and unr...
A thrilling saga set in the Jewish republic of BirobidzhanAt the height of the Red Scare in the 1950s, the House Un-American Activities Committee questions a Russian woman named Marina. She stands accused of being a spy and is suspected of murdering ...