Marcus Gray has created his own distinct "retro-futuristic" style. Unique, sensual works created by a fusion of gouache and colored pencil, Gray's work highlights sexy women in fetish themes. Gray has obviously been influenced by a variety of artists...
Actually, Dad: Adventures and Laughter is a heartwarming and humorous children's book that takes readers on a journey filled with love, knowledge, and the joy of discovery. Join Myah and her dad as they embark on a series of quests, each day brin...
A Fashionable Heart is a captivating children's book that follows the confident and fashion-loving, Myah, as she explores the vibrant streets of a big city. Through her encounters with diverse fashion styles and unique individuals, Myah learns that t...
I AM The Beginner is a prose style short story about a young brown girl who finds herself in a void. Without knowing how she got there or even who she is she proceeds to experiment with the idea of getting to know herself by creating friends within t...
Myah Can't Resist The Rhythm is an inspiring tale about a young girl named Myah who discovers her love for various dance styles. From breakdancing to salsa, Myah's passion for movement leads her on a captivating adventure, where she embraces the powe...