Cat lovers, rejoice! The second installment in Mandy Morton's cat-driven series has arrived with Cat Among the Pumpkins, where crime-solving is in the capable paws of felines. And these cats haven't been declawed.As All Hallows’ Eve approaches, Het...
Prepare to be besotted with Mandy Morton's The No. 2 Feline Detective Agency , the first book in a new series that turns the traditional British cozy on its head and features feline crime-solvers. Hettie Bagshot has bitten off more than any cat cou...
It's a week before Christmas and Hettie and Tilly set out on a very dangerous case for The No. 2 Feline Detective Agency. Lady Eloise Crabstock-Singe has summoned them to Crabstock Manor in the village of Porthladle on the Cornish Co...
As the Town''s annual flower and produce show approaches, it''s all doom and bloom up on the allotments, with prize vegetables going missing and a dead body on Bonny Grub''s onion patch. Baronial landowner Fluff Wither-Fork is beside herself and call...
All aboard for the Summer of Fluff! Meet Hettie Bagshot, a long-haired tabby cat whose whiskers twitch at the first sign of a mystery, and her best friend Tilly Jenkins. Together, they run the No. 2 Feline Detective Agency, and nothing will stop the...
Psychic cat Irene Peggledrip is being visited by a band of malevolent spirits who all claim to be murderers. Not only is their message disturbing, but they cause chaos with indoor snowstorms, flying books and the untimely demise of a delicious Victor...
The town is gripped by a big freeze, and blizzard after blizzard has engulfed the feline community, leaving shops and businesses snowbound. Hettie Bagshot and her sidekick, Tilly Jenkins, have found sanctuary by their fireside but soon they are bucke...