Eight-year-old Maisie Brown disappeared during Tanniford's annual fete and Chief Inspector Millson suspected Maisie's stepfather. The local police had closed the only road out of the village while the fete was on and no vehicle left the village betwe...
Janet West and Laura Stebbing operated a mobile library. When Janet's body was found on the river bank, Chief Inspector Millson wondered why anyone would murder such a respectable and well-liked woman. There was no obvious suspect but, as his investi...
DCI Millson investigates the case of a missing au pair. He becomes convinced that she never left the Layton house-hold alive, but where is the body and why would anyone have wanted to kill her?...
A builder's digger unearths the long-buried skeleton of a young man in a house in Great Yeldham. When the autopsy shows he was murdered 25 years ago, DCI George Milson and DS Scobie have to look into the past for a trail - however cold - in order to ...