Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize: In this comedic novel, an English professor collides with disaster at the peak of the Cold War Shortly after his plane first grazes the tarmac in the eastern European nation of Slaka, Dr. Angus Petworth is beset...
A headstrong young journalist goes on the adventure of a lifetime, traveling through Europe to find the world’s most enigmatic philosopher Bazlo Criminale is one of Europe’s most legendary living men. A mysterious novelist and thinker known for h...
An updated study of American literary tradition traces the development of the American novel from James and Dreiser, through the works of Faulkner and Hemingway, to the emergence of Jewish- and African-American authors, and the work of avant-garde wr...
At the height of the 1960s, a British writer accepts an academic post in America for a year that he’ll never forget English author James Walker has three books to his name, each greeted with middling success and then promptly forgotten. But his ré...
An account of the development of the British novel in the 20th century, and a companion volume to the author's "The Modern American Novel". The various main lines are laid out, and the book includes a detailed survey of post-war writing and the scene...
Malcolm Bradbury’s classic skewering of 1970s academia, hailed by the New York Times as “an encyclopedia of radical chic as well as a genuinely comic novel” Among the painfully hip students and teachers at the liberal University of Watermouth, ...
In his brilliant first novel Malcolm Bradbury tilts gaily at the liberal pose and extracts a mass of fun from the provincial university where the story is set. The denizens of the English Department leave us gasping. Here is sensitive Mr. Eborebelosa...
In seven short stories, Malcolm Bradbury takes a subtly ironic look at a variety of targets, American academics, provincial Britain, the aspirations of social workers, psychologists and the well-intentioned.
...To the Hermitage tells two tales: a contemporary story of our narrator, a novelist, who has been invited to Stockholm and then to Russia to take part in what is enigmatically referred to as the Diderot Project, and one set two hundred years earlie...
What is written lives far longer than we do -- or so we would like to think.' From unfinished novel to unsent letters, from prose to play, from Macclesfield to the New Year's Honours List, Liar's Landscape is evidence of the late great author's versa...