Two freelance adventurers Mike Tippin and Justin Jobbs, take an unusual mission from a beautiful Princess Tygla Tyger to rescue her brother from the evil humanoid, Lord Drax of the Xatu Empire. But the mission goes awry as Tygla's Brother, Xman, esca...
In a world where dragons rule the air, thieves stalk the forests, and vampires that haunt the night, there those who keep evil in their place. The Knights of the Burning Candle, led by a widowed elf Kizment, she and her guild members must help protec...
When three friends from the big city of St. Louis go on vacation in the Wild West, they stumble upon a small town of Clayton, New Mexico where things aren't what they seem. Gabe looked around as they walked and noticed the gallows at the end of the s...
The Xatu Empire still rules the known galaxy, but as for the rebellious colonials, the fight still rages on. Only this time a new enemy has emerged, the Pirates of the Black Hole. The crew of the Golden Condor now faces critical challenge in their...