When a young reporter is pushed from a ninth story window in Greenwich Village, NYPD Homicide Lieutenant Frank Mead soon connects the case to a murder that took place at the same site a hundred years earlier, during the infamous Triangle Shirtwaist F...
Set against the backdrop of the Civil War, TIME EXPOSURE is an historical mystery framed by a modern story linking the past and present through current technology. In present day Washington, D.C., renowned digital photographer Maggie Thornhill discov...
“Still Life: Vase with Oleanders” is a painting by Vincent van Gogh, believed to have been confiscated by the Nazis during the Second World War Today, almost seventy years later, world-renowned digital photographer, Maggie Thornhill is searching ...
Time Lapse- the time between serial killers from two centuries. Renowned digital photographer, Maggie Thornhill, coins a new definition when a friend turns out to be the fifth victim in a series of grisly Georgetown murders. As a professor of digital...
In 1902, New York City, nineteen-year-old Ruby Hunt comes home to her Park Avenue apartment to find her family murdered. She is the prime suspect in these gruesome crimes but instead of being placed under arrest, Ruby is committed to an insane asylum...
Helen Ainsley is a best-selling mystery writer struggling with cancer. She begins to doubt her storytelling ability, so to restore her confidence, she returns to her childhood home in rural Vermont in hopes that the serenity will rekindle her imagina...