The Mysterious Captive As the train that was bringing her to a reunion with her famous actress mother pulled into the station, Alice Whelan observed a strange incident from her window. She saw a young girl running across a field, pursued by a unif...
Returning as she had left -- in a torrential hurricane -- Vanessa Mallory frightened the small whaling village of Skull Point. She was supposed to be dead. It was this time of year, almost to the day, that she was lost in the turbulent sea with her l...
In the distance Kelsey House stood framed against the sky, its windows gleaming brightly. There was an eerie glow to the scene, that seemed to come not so much from the moon, now rising, but from things themselves, as if she were seeing the very esse...
STRANGE VOICES HAD TORMENTED HER. GYPSIES HAD FORETOLD GREAT EVIL. But not even the diabolical secret chamber of her new home could disturb Julia Carson's total happiness. After long and friendless years in an orphanage, she had finally traced her...
"There is no death!" It was the third time that Eve Matthews had come across those eerie and puzzling words. Her father had spoken them right before he died. And when she first arrived at Enniscare, an old woman had suddenly appeared from behind ...
The Dark Legend of Heather House Rebecca and Maggie had come up to Heather House, sisters recently widowed by a cruel twist of fate. The fiery and promiscuous Rebecca lost no time in finding a new lover. But the devoted Maggie became possessed by ...