This powerful debut novel is the story of Jacinta Moses, the child of a passionate and courageous love. Jacinta's father is a black African writer, Simon Moses; her mother, Louise, is a white British actress. Her father dies when she is young, sendin...
Two American half-sisters--one white, the other black--endure the violence and horror of an African civil war and return to the U.S., where they will reevaluate the lessons they have learned about race and identity in Africa. Reprint. 30,000 first pr...
The world watched in horror in April 2007 when Virginia Tech student Seung-Hui Cho went on a killing rampage that resulted in the deaths of thirty-two students and faculty members before he ended his own life. Former Virginia Tech English department ...
The Freedom Race, Lucinda Roy’s explosive first foray into speculative fiction, is a poignant blend of subjugation, resistance, and hope.In the aftermath of a cataclysmic civil war known as the Sequel, ideological divisions among the states have ha...
Lucinda Roy continues the Dreambird Chronicles, her explosive first foray into speculative fiction, with Flying the Coop, the thought-provoking sequel to The Freedom RaceDreams are promises your imagination makes to itself.In the disunited states, no...