Wielders #1 The Journey Begins Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together they form a league team called the Dreamers to battle other teams using their phasers. Just as the Dre...
Wielders #2 First Battle Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Their league team the Dreamers is challenged by another team, The Wandering Warriors. Finding they are outmatched and...
Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together they form a league team called the Dreamers and learn to battle using their phasers. The Dreamers encounter a cruel Hunter in the woo...
Wielders #1 The Journey Begins Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together they form a league team called the Dreamers to battle other teams using their phasers. Just as the Dre...
Wielders #2 First Battle Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Their league team the Dreamers is challenged by another team, The Wandering Warriors. Finding they are outmatched and...
Wielders #2 First Battle - Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Their league team the Dreamers is challenged by another team, The Wandering Warriors. Finding they are outmatched a...
Wielders #4 Silver Town Championship - Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together they form a league team called the Dreamers and learn to battle using their phasers. The Dream...
Wielders #5 Lost Friend Transported to another world, five middle school friends become Wielders of magic creatures called phasers. Together, they form a league team called the Dreamers and learn to battle using their phasers. One of the Dreamers is ...