Bored with her conventional life in her small Utah town, would-be artist Sus5an Smith packs up and moves to Boston, where she befriends Thomas Roode, a promising young artist and falls for Willy, a man twice her age. Reprint....
I’m Kate Bjorkman. I don’t like romance novels. They’re full of three-paragraph kisses describing people’s tongues and spittle. But what do you do if you’ve lived a real romance with a great-looking guy (Richard) and he loves you as much as...
Hannah: Today, when Mama learns I'm pregnant, she doesn't ask about Milo. What will Milo think? She doesn't ask what I'm going to do about the baby, if I'm scared. She doesn't say, What about high school? She doesn't say, You're not old e...
MIRA KENT IS nearing her 16th birthday and wants to know more about a father she doesn't remember. Her mother tells her she has all his good qualities, but isn't specific. With nothing but a photo of her father, Mira wants more. She writes him imagin...
Hi, I'm Kate Bjorkman. What do you do if you've lived a real romance with a great guy and he loves you as much as you love him? Simple, I wrote a romance novel with help from THE ROMANCE WRITER'S PHRASE BOOK. Nothing is made up. I want truth and conf...