Todd, an African-American teenager growing up in an urban housing project, finds himself faced with painful choices between his best friend, Zeke, who is out to stop another boy from joining a gang, threats of gang retaliation, a difficult family sit...
Ballet is the most important thing in Stephanie's life. But the reality of dance is tough, and Stephanie's parents fear that she doesn't realize how few opportunities there are for black ballerinas. Then, the remarkable Miss Winnie and her handsome a...
From the author of Soulfire comes a provocative story about Shawna Riley and Kari Lang, two highschool classmates who share a dislike for each other until they accidentally find out a secret about their parents' shared past. Reprint....
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Lorri Hewett has published 3 books.
Lorri Hewett does not have a new book coming out soon. The latest book, Lives of Our Own, was published in January 2000.
The first book by Lorri Hewett, Soulfire, was published in May 1996.