Step into the world of New York fashion and into the lives of three ambitious women, each of whom has a secret to hide.Gabrielle Donovan is a stunning and feisty nineteen-year-old who comes to New York hoping to realize her dream of becoming a superm...
Two people, separated by age and color but united in love, find themselves headed down an uncertain path -- a path the head rejects, but the heart demands be followed ... Melanie Hitts is a charming African-American woman who is attractive, profes...
Fortysomething and still single, music-video exec Pia Jamison has given up her grandiose ideas on men and marriage but not motherhood. Her biological clock is on red alert, but after years of self-imposed celibacy she has no clue how to attract the m...
Who wants to live without temptation? Edited by Emmy award-winning and Essence bestselling author Lori Bryant-Woolridge, Can’t Help the Way That I Feel features women who willingly give in when offered the right enticement. Lemon sangria becomes th...