THE HAUNTINGLY BEAUTIFUL STORY OF FORBIDDEN LOVE Elizabeth lay bruised and overcome by fever, the moist red earth of the forest beneath her and the deeply bronzed Indian above. He was Wakwa, standing tall and prince-like in the wind and the rai...
Their love defied two worlds which swore to separate them. THEIRS WAS A COVENANT OF LOVE BETWEEN TWO HOSTILE WORLDS When Elizabeth Dowland gave birth to his son, they were married according to Indian law. She had spurned an odious Puritan minis...
THE PAINTER, inspired by the life of an Italian artist who emigrated to America after World War II, plunges the reader into the life of fictional Lorenzo Frasca, his life of daring achievement, grinding employment, moral struggle with the cruel i...
THE MISTS OF MANITTOO, the first book in THE DOWLAND TRILOGY, is a fascinating tale of a revolutionary love breaking barriers of culture, race, language, and class. Set in colonial Massachusetts, Elizabeth Dowland, a land heiress, runs in despair fro...