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Lois June Wickstrom's Latest Book

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  • Bibliography:
    73 Books (1 Series)
  • First Book:
    April 2000
  • Latest Book:
    June 2025
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Full Series List in Order

Nessie's Grotto

1 - Nessie and the Living Stone (Apr-2000)
2 - Nessie and the Viking Gold (Jul-2001)
3 - Nessie and the Celtic Maze (Jul-2007)

Book List in Order: 73 titles

  • On holiday at Loch Ness, Craig hopes to capture Nessie. His little sister Linda ruins every chance. A glowing blue stone leads them to Nessie's secret grotto, with Viking pirates and a treacherous mermaid. Craig has to decide: is it worth risking ...

  • In their second adventure at Loch Ness, Scotland, the four children try to take just one piece of gold from a buried Viking treasure--only to discover that a price must be paid. Once again it's Nessie to the rescue!...

  • Craig and Linda's parents have taken them to Canada this summer -- far away from that wicked monster Nessie. But there's a secret passageway between Loch Ness and Lake Memphrémagog in Quebec. The passageway is part of a crumbling maze. Nessie'...

  • Follow along with Amanda as she uses science and imagination to solve mysteries with her friend Elaine. These aren't your typical whodunits: Amanda is more interested in Why and How of things, and children will learn along with her. Jack Kershner's j...

  • When Timmy spies a rat under his bed, he knows he has to get rid of it before Grandma finds out. But when Grandma enters his room, she introduces her little pet by its name, "Hildegarde." The rat is being trained to spy on a mad scientist neighbor wh...

  • The Mystery of the Missing Meteor Field Carrots, An Orange Forest Rabbit taleThe Orange Forest Rabbit's Carrot business is off to a thriving start. First a blue fireball crashes into his favorite carrot field. Then his carrots and his customers start...

  • Once upon a time, in a land of magic, there lived a princess who did NOT want to marry. She wanted to have adventures like the knights, or rule a kingdom like her father. She didn't like sitting around in pretty dresses, eating daintily with fancy si...

  • Oliver (an alligator like creature) is stuck in his room. His father sent him there for playing pirate in a tree that was too young to be climbed.Oh, if only he still lived with his birthparents! What could he do if he were with them? Be a scientist?...

  • Loretta finds a leafcutter bee nest in her woodpile. She watches it. The bees hatch. The cut circles in the leaves and flowers on her rose bushes. She finds their new nest, and enjoys watching the bees in her garden. Illustrated instructions for buil...

  • Loretta is a mischievous girl who lives in a cabin high up in the Colorado mountains. She loves her garden and the ladybugs that protect it. But where do they go in the winter? On a cold winter day when she was collecting pine needles for her stra...

  • Loretta finds a caterpillar egg on a milkweed plant. She breaks off the leaf and brings it home. Mom won't let Loretta keep it in the house, so she tapes the leaf back on the plant, and watches over the egg. It hatches. It eats the leaf, and more ...

  • Magic runs in the women of Carrie's family. Her grandmother, her father's mother, was the last magical member of the family. Now, because of her love for Grandma, Carrie is developing her magic and learning to use the wondrous treasures that have ...

  • Chicken Little and Sir Isaac Newton did the same thing. Chicken Little would have figured out the wonderful effects of gravity, if she had investigated. In this version, she does experiments, and in the process, saves herself and her friends from ...

  • Dinopotamus watches the children. He tries to do what they do. He follows them to school. He doesn't fit through the door, so he climbs in the window. The children count their toes. They have 5 on each foot. He has three. He roars because he canno...

  • The wolf huffed and he puffed. But the pigs had built wolf-proof houses. The pigs couldn't go out. The wolf-couldn't get in. They were all hungry. The pigs knew that a problem can be a solution out-of-place. Could they make good use of all that hu...

  • If Goldilocks had known about the six simple machines (these are taught in every basic earth science class) she would have had a much better time at the Three Bears' house. In this version, Goldilocks does know how to use these simple machines and...

  • Loretta finds a caterpillar egg on a milkweed plant. She breaks off the leaf and brings it home. Mom won't let Loretta keep it in the house, so she tapes the leaf back on the plant, and watches over the egg. It hatches. It eats the leaf, and more ...

  • My brother says, "There are no monsters! Tell it to come out! I dare you!"

    A modern adaptation of the Hindu Teaching Tale by the same name. What do you do when there's a monster under your bed, and your brother won't believe you? What if the...

  • Jacqueline may be foolish enough to swap the family cow for a magic bean. But, it would never occur to her to rob a giant of his treasures. Now she has two hungry families to feed. She must discover the true magic of the beans. Many of the mishaps...

  • Alex hears balloon flower buds popping. She is sure the plants are talking to her. She invents a plant translator. The plants want to have a party. They want to fly. She invents a flower inflator. The plants want her to fly with them. It's fun unt...

  • It's Opposite day at Dinopotamus' School. The other kids get easy puzzles, like FILL the glass and OPEN the door. The teacher asks Dinopotamus to bring her the big box. What will he do? Dinopotamus is not a typical student. Opposite day means you get...

  • The Round Box in Grandma's Closet is labeled FASCINATOR. Carrie looks inside.She sees a boat. The boat is a hat. Carrie puts it on. Suddenly her world rocks, as if she's on a boat at sea. Then things start moving in slow motion. The world sparkles. C...

  • What if your new friend is a mermaid, and nobody else can see her? Maia is going to the race, but it's early. She stops to look at her reflection in the pond. The reflection turns into another girl -- a girl who is swimming -- a girl who is a mermaid...

  • Colleen's dad is a giant. He walks around town with his hands in the air.He says he's holding up the sky. Nobody believes him.One day he puts his hands down.Now, what will happen?The resolution is up to his daughter....

  • The frog magnet on the refrigerator fell and broke. Alex likes to make fun stuff from old broken things. She does a variety of experiments with the magnet, and finds things they stick to and things they don't. She finds a box full of magnets on the w...

  • Carrie finds a set of wooden flowers in her Grandmother's Closet.Grandma tells her they aren't magic wands. They're Wandas. Wanda's don't do magic. Wandas are magic. They're female wands, of course. The first thing Carrie does is turn them into real ...

  • The Kingdom of Sher and the Kingdom of Mir were good neighbors. But the Kingdom of Sher had a lion. And the farmers in the Kingdom of Sher raised sheep.Every night, the lion from the Kingdom of Sher sneaked into the Kingdom of Mir and ate sheep that ...

  • Why does Dinopotamus always get the Warm Spot on the Floor?When it's naptime, Dinopotamus always get the warm spot. He decides to let the children have his favorite place on the floor. But when the children lie down there, it's no longer warm. And th...

  • Shirl feels like she is an outer space alien.While everyone else is outside playing ball, Shirl is calling aliens on her radio. Now a flying saucer is coming to visit. Now she can meet a real alien! Will they become best friends?...

  • When Grandma moved across town, she left four mysterious boxes in the hall closet: Feathers, Wandas, Fascinator, and Dowse. Dowse can mean soaking wet or find something valuable. In this book, Carrie does both. She hunts for gold and finds her da...

  • While out walking her sheep, Wynnie finds a mysterious egg. It shakes. It glitters. It hatches. A baby dragon is loose in the kingdom, starting fires. The Wise Old Woman tells Wynnie she must get the dragon out of the Kingdom. Now! But, Wynnie loves ...

  • Benny is having a house-warming party. Stega wants to give him a gift.On the way to Benny's new cave, Stega fills a bowl with berries. They'd make a great gift. But, they smell so good. Plus she's hungry. She eats them. All of them. Now, all she has ...

  • Eee-ahh takes Shirl to her favorite Outer Space Bakery. There are NO free samples.It's a folktale. It's a STEM story. It's an outer space adventure. Shirl has never tasted a Zib. Eee-ahh promises her they are the best tasting treat in the entire univ...

  • Little Red is Learning to be a Detective. And Grannie is Teaching her to Identify Plants.Grannie asks Little Red to bring her some cone flowers to make delicious tea. While Little Red is walking through the woods to Grannie's house, she meets a wolf ...

  • This year, when Grandpa puts Caspian's special Unbirthday box under his bed, it's empty.Grandpa insists that he has given Caspian an Invisible Magic Wand(R) Caspian has to name it before it will work.Maybe, says Caspian.Good name, says Grandpa. Nobod...

  • Caspian shows his cousin Belinda how he uses his Invisible Magic Wand to Control Time.(formerly Invisible Magic Wand to the Rescue) Belinda wants her own Invisible Magic Wand! Just as Grandpa gives her one, an earthquake shakes the house. Books toppl...

  • Grandpa always gives Caspian a Silly Present for his UnbirthdayThis year his Special Unbirthday present brown socks. Caspian is disappointed. Caspian puts them on and asks his mom, What's good about brown socks? Grandpa tells him they are Hot Chocola...

  • The Kitten is Stuck in the Tree. Caspian Doesn't Know How to Climb.Caspian puts on the Hot Chocolate Socks Grandpa gave him for his Unbirthday. He makes the hot chocolate. He pours it on his socks. He grabs his broom for steering. And he flies. He's ...

  • Maia's Imaginary Friend is a Mermaid. Her best friend Fig can't see her.But Fig and Trezzie both love science. Trezzie loves to collect trash that people leave on the lakeshore. She keeps her finds in her treasure box. They come in handy for learning...

  • This Pencil Writes by itself. What Does a Pencil Know? It's Caspian's UnBirthday again. This year, Grandpa gives him a pencil and a small pad of paper. When Caspian picks up the pencil, it writes the word APPLE. What does a pencil know? Grandpa says ...

  • Caspian never knows what Grandpa will Give him for his UnbirthdayThis year, Caspian's UnBirthday Gift is a Mind-Reading Hat. When he puts it on he hears his mom and Grandpa talking about his surprises.But their lips aren't moving. Then he hears a tur...

  • Trezzie is a mermaid. She likes pretty things. And she thinks ice cubes are beautiful.Maia and Fig are having a picnic by the lake. Fig brought ice cubes for their lemonade. But Fig can't see Trezzie. Trezzie is Maia's imaginary playmate. Maia makes ...

  • Trezzie, the mermaid is back for another science adventure. This time Fig teachers her how to make a magnifying glass with a few drops of water.Trezzie collects things people leave on the shore of the lake. People think these things are trash, but Tr...

  • Two Dinosaur Stories in One Book. Flip it over and read another story. These dinosaurs are best friends, but sometimes they disagree.A present for the VolcanoSpike (an ankylosaurus) sees a volcano erupting. He thinks it is unhappy. He wants to give t...

  • Cuckoos Lay Eggs in Warbler Nests and fly away. Should Mama Warbler raise the cuckoo baby as her own?Inspired by The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Anderson. This story shows mutual benefit to both warblers and cuckoos when a cuckoo lays an egg in a...

  • 12-Year-Old Gwendolyn is a Dream-Shifter. She Becomes the Animals She Dreams About.When she wakes normally, she becomes human again. But just as she's leaping around as an elk, a fire alarm jars her awake. It's elk hunting season, and she doesn't kno...

  • The Queen is the fairest judge in the land. All her subjects bring their problems for her to decide. She uses her magic mirror to see the Sparkle of Fairness in their eyes. The dwarves bring her a problem where both sides think they are being fair, a...

  • Albert Knows Everyone Has to Eat. He just doesn't want people to eat him.A family is looking at Albert. Albert is a turkey at a turkey farm. This turkey farm sells turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner. Albert knows the humans don't want him for a pet. On ...

  • A present for the VolcanoSpike (an ankylosaurus) sees a volcano erupting. He thinks it is unhappy. He wants to give the volcano a present to cheer it up. He gets his friend Conifer (a tyrannosaurus) to help him build a necklace of stones ar...

  • Spike and Conifer smell smoke and know they must leave the forest. But Conifer is sitting on her eggs. She has three eggs and only two hands. When she lifts her nest, she must walk carefully so they don't clack together. Spike is impatient and s...

  • Mira and Carl are enemies. They are also sister and brother.They never want to do the same thing. Except, they both want to sit behind Daddy when they ride in the car. One day, Dad takes them to the beach. Carl is going to be the super hero and build...

  • The tree Grandma brings has aphids. Grandma says Loretta must kill the aphids before they kill the tree, but Loretta refuses because she loves insects. One day, a katydid finds the tree. It eats all the aphids. Then the katydid starts eating the tree...

  • Grandma knits Lila a poncho. This poncho has not one, but three, head holes in it! Lila is sure Grandma made a mistake. Grandma sends her out to play, saying, "We all pull together!" Lila thinks that makes no sense. She encounters three kids who...

  • Monsters are Scary. Meg doesn't understand why. She's blind. Meg's big sister tries to explain why using senses other that sight. But every time, Meg interprets the scary monster as something her big sister has done, like bump her head in their secre...

  • Chester doesn't want to clean his room. He says he wants to clean the sandbox first. Four cat-faced aliens arrive in a merry-go-round-shaped spaceship and make an even bigger mess than he did. When he finally goes inside, the aliens put all his toys ...

  • Is the Witch really going to enter the House Beautiful Contest?For that matter, is there really a witch? Something is tapping in the woods. Hansel and Gretel investigate. It's not a witch building a beautiful home. It's a woodpecker. They were in suc...

  • Nothing was biting on the shore of Lake Fish-or-Cut-Bait. Not even the mosquitoes! A ravenous wind sucked up all the water from the lake. It sucked up the fishes and the frogs too. It even sucked up balls from the playground. Then that ravenous wind ...

  • All but one of Mama Warbler's eggs have hatched. The Cuckoo, who hatched first, keeps telling the reluctant baby warbler it's no fun outside. Stay in your shell where it's safe. What will the baby warbler do?...

  • Caspian wants a bicycle. He asks Grandpa if he can have one for his Unbirthday. Grandpa reminds him that Unbirthday presents are never anything he expects. When Caspian opens his special box, he finds an envelope of Baking Up Dust. Can he bake a bicy...

  • Timmy, Beth and Arthur want to find the missing 200 year old Time Capsule. But it's been moved from it's official burying spot and the only clues to its new whereabouts are in code on a map in their old 3rd grade teacher's freezer. They are in fifth ...

  • When Loretta digs in the dirt to plant her flower garden, she discovers glowing larvae. Learn about the lifecycle of the firefly as she puts the larvae in her empty ant farm box and watches the larvae build tunnels and mud houses. After they hatch, s...

  • Every year on his Unbirthday, Grandpa gives Caspian a present that he doesn't expect. It's always in his special box under his bed. This year, his box isn't there. Caspian must hunt for it, using the Inquisitive Indicator he finds on the kitchen tabl...

  • What's happening under the bandage?Mom makes him wear a bandage when he skins his knee. She says no peeking. What's going on under there? It's a war. His soldiers against the bad bacteria. After the bad bacteria are dead, it's time to rebuild. Now, t...

  • Soara flies at recess. When she flies, no one can see her-but Lulu and Zanie know right where she is. Except when she flies with the butterflies, and gets lost.Will Soara fly back to school before the recess bell rings?...

  • Once upon a time, in a land of magic, there lived a princess who did NOT want to marry. She wanted to have adventures like the knights, or rule a kingdom like her father. She didn't like sitting around in pretty dresses, eating daintily with fancy si...

  • Ants are carrying bleeding heart fern seeds to their anthill. They stop to nibble something off the end of a seed. When Loretta bends down to investigate, a seed-like pod falls from the branch above her head. The ants take that to their nest, too.Wha...

  • When the class is parading across the schoolgrounds, Drake falls. Nobody notices. Drake thinks he might be invisible. He looks in the mirror. All he can see is his clothes. No face, no hands, no feet. He undresses and tries to go home, but he's weari...

  • In the Dragon's Fiery Lair - Lois Wickstrom and Jean LorrahA hidden curse. A thoughtful daredevil. Is this youngster's accidental plunge into thefantastical about to unlock a wonderful surprise?Amy is eager for excitement. On the brink of turning twe...

  • There's a new kid in class, named Squilla Balloo. She's smart. She's popular. She's got to go. There's a book in the library with a magic spell: How to Get Rid of your Enemy. Of course, there's a catch. She needs to get one hair from her enemy. It ha...

    • / Fantasy
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    Wickstrom offers the reader an interesting, unusual, and carefully delineated range of characters....a story full of wonders that nonetheless manages to present some mysteries for those who visit the emporium and find the magic door that leads to a g...

    • / General Fiction
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    Xenia Navarro lives with her Mexican mother, an undocumented resident, and her older brother Lucas in Pennsylvania. Her American father was killed while on duty in Iraq before marrying Xenia's mother. Now their mother has been arrested and is about t...

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Lois June Wickstrom has published 73 books.

The next book by Lois June Wickstrom, Hot in the Pot, will be published in June 2025.

The first book by Lois June Wickstrom, Nessie and the Living Stone, was published in April 2000.

Yes. Lois June Wickstrom has 1 series.