When Robert Merrick's life is saved at the expense of the life of an eccentric but adored surgeon, the carefree playboy is forced to reevaluate his own path. Merrick embarks on a course of anonymous philanthropy, inspired by reading the doctor's priv...
Lloyd Cassel Douglas (1877 â€" 1951) born Doya C. Douglas, was an American minister and author. He was born in Columbia City, Indiana, spent part of his boyhood in Monroeville, Indiana, Wilmot, Indiana and Florence, Kentucky, where his father, Alexan...
Green Light tells the story of Newell Paige, a rising young surgeon whose career is destroyed when he takes the blame for his mentor, Dr Endicott, who botches an operation and causes the death of a patient....
Lloyd Cassel Douglas (1877 â€" 1951) born Doya C. Douglas, was an American minister and author. He was born in Columbia City, Indiana, spent part of his boyhood in Monroeville, Indiana, Wilmot, Indiana and Florence, Kentucky, where his father, Alexan...
Lloyd Cassel Douglas (1877 â€" 1951) born Doya C. Douglas, was an American minister and author. He was born in Columbia City, Indiana, spent part of his boyhood in Monroeville, Indiana, Wilmot, Indiana and Florence, Kentucky, where his father, Alexan...
THIS has been an eventful day. We formally opened our new hospital this afternoon. The city's medical profession was ably represented and many of our well-to-do philanthropists came for tea and a tour of inspection. Everybody commented on our ...
THE BIG FISHERMAN is set before "The Robe" and tells the story of Simon Peter. It focuses on Jesus, Peter, and a pair of young lovers, Esther and Voldi. The Roman world of the early Christian Church is carefully drawn. Douglas's main purpose is t...