Twisted by power and driven by hate, a madman unleashes an ancient force on an unsuspecting world. Hundreds die at his hands while scores are transformed into walking nightmares. As the carnage unfolds, an outsider sets forth, with a group of warrior...
A mysterious young woman, an elven invasion, and the tokens of the High King... Haldrek Rodreksson has known his entire life where his future lies and what is expected of him. But on the eve of battle, soothsayers show him three visions of a dif...
"So you are the new thegn of Svartån?"Ina Svanunge lives in Fargo, counting the days until she's free of her abusive mother. But when she and her best friend, Mattie, sit down to play their favorite video game, they find themselves in the ...
She will be Thegn of Svartån. If Svartån still exists.Ina Svanunge is the rightful thegn-heir of Svartån, but the curve is steep as she learns to lead and protect her new homeland. A challenge made more difficult by the deep hatred many of her sub...
Old enemies. New challenges. Will Ina live up to her new title or will the trials and traitors ahead lead to her death? It's been almost two months since Ina Svanunge officially became the Thegn of Svartån. With the Isillas conflict behind...
What you don't know, can hurt you...Fifteen year old Bjornulf has lived with his dragon kin his entire life, believing he is a normal, full-blooded dragon like them. Life on his father's island is ideal, as he learns to fight and grow like any o...
With great power comes great responsibility. And greater enemies.Fully embracing Lohikärra as her new home, Ina has taken her place alongside Haldrek as High King and Queen. But Lohikärra is a broken country on the verge of civil war. Respe...
What would you risk to protect those you love? Life is good now for Ina and Haldrek. The war with the Blodnar is nearly over and thebirth of Lohikärra's new Aethling - their son, Eero - is a sign of more peaceful andprosperous times to come...
He will rule Andrattür... if he can survive claiming his birthright.Haldrek, the young thegn-heir of Andrattür, has patiently awaited his father's return for as long as he can remember. Raised by dragons and servants alike, he's eager to show off h...
Time travel should be a historian's dream come true. But when Alex is tossed into the past, how real is too real? Alexandra Lindgren throughout her life was perfect. A history buff with her dream job as a museum archivist, a fabulous boyfriend, and a...
Alex and Titus survived Mount Vesuvius, but can they survive an immortal hellbent on revenge? After their escape from ancient Herculaneum, Alex and Titus are safe in modern day America. Alex is home, yet everything has changed. She has plenty on...
Time heals all wounds… but can it heal a house divided? The last thing Alexandra Lindgren wants is to go back in time again. Especially once she finds out Titus is MIA in Iraq after a deadly explosion. But when the legacies of two visionar...