In a darkly satiric novel about genetic engineering, insane asylums, and Christian evangelism, a woman discovers her gynecologist husband has been experimenting on her in order to develop the perfect baby, and plans her revenge...
Charlotte Schleswig, the delightful narrator of Liz Jensen's latest novel, supports herself and the lumpen Fru Schleswig (who may or may not be her mother) as a prostitute in 1890s Copenhagen. While she is no small success at the trade, she leaps...
An electrifying story of science, faith, love, and self-destruction in a world on the brink. It is a June unlike any other before, with temperatures soaring to asphyxiating heights. All across the world, freak weather patterns--and the life-shatte...
A seven-year-old girl puts a nail gun to her grandmother's neck and fires. An isolated incident, say the experts. The experts are wrong. Across the world, children are killing their families. Is violence contagious? As chilling murders by children gr...
The Ninth Life of Louis Drax packs an irresistibly twisted wallop . . . An exhilarating, darkly inventive read. -Elle
Now a major feature film starring Jamie Dornan and Aaron Paul
Nine-year-old Louis Drax is a problem child: bri...