After her husband's death, beautiful, talented Lauren Rose had vowed never again to let anyone come between her and her career. Now, on a glamorous cruise aboard the Queen Elizabeth II, she was facing the supreme challenge of her life, as a dress des...
In Degrees of Nakedness, Lisa Moore's first story collection, the joys and distresses of love course through modern-day Newfoundland like an electric current. Lisa Moore's stories are bright, emotionally engaging, tangible. She marks out the precious...
Lisa Moore's stories are bright, emotionally engaging, tangible. She marks out the precious moments of her characters' lives against deceptively commonplace backdrops -- a St. John's hospital cafeteria lit only by the lights in the snack machines; ...
Winner, Thomas Raddall Atlantic Fiction AwardWinner, Alistair MacLeod Prize for Short FictionLonglisted, Scotiabank Giller Prize“Lisa Moore’s work is passionate, gritty, lucid, and beautiful. She has a great gift.” ― Anne Enright, Man Book...
How much do we really know about Quincey Morris?In one of the greatest Grand-Guignol moments of all time, Dracula is caught feeding Mina blood from his own breast while her husband lies helpless on the same bed. In the chaos that follows, Morris runs...
hard ticket noun (Nfld) a lively character, a tough or headstrong person, someone not easily controlled. Hard Ticket showcases some of the most exciting writers in Newfoundland. Selected by critically acclaimed author Lisa Moore, these previousl...
From the celebrated author of February and Caught comes an exhilarating new novel that asks: What makes a family? How does it shape us? And can we ever really choose who we love? As the snowstorm of the century rages toward Newfoundland, twenty-one-y...
Selected by editor Lisa Moore, the 2024 edition of Best Canadian Stories showcases the best Canadian fiction writing published in 2022.Featuring:Madhur Anand • Sharon Bala • Gary Barwin • Billy-Ray Belcourt • Xaiver Michael Campbell...