In picturesque Tarnfield in the north of England, feuds and rivalries between the villagers typically lie dormant. The local vicar decides to shake the community up, bringing together an unlikely alliance between Suzy Spencer, a working mother, part-...
The Chorister, a biblically obsessed serial killer, terrifies members of the Abbey Chorus in a market town in northern England. Two amateur detectives, a single mother and a teacher, find themselves drawn into the mystery to help their friends....
It's a glorious autumn evening in Tarnfield when Deborah Arbiter falls to her death.What was she doing on the roof of her old Georgian country house, St Jane's?People think Deborah was up there inspecting a leak. But Suzy Spencer doesn't believe the ...
A COZY MURDER MYSTERY SET IN A PICTURESQUE CUMBRIAN VILLAGE.Suzy Spencer is branching out - she's working with local retiree gardeners on a podcast about rewilding the graveyard garden in Norbridge. But a body is found in a wheelie bin and chaos begi...