In a saga sparkling with wisdom, wit and style, Linn Ullmann explores the emotional terrain of marriage and motherhood with wicked humour and a tender eye for human frailty. `Striking . . . a haunted, melancholy story of wandering parents and wayward...
Stella descends, over and over, in the course of this haunting novel. She falls from the womb, since her mother gives birth standing up; she falls for Martin, who delivers her new green sofa and refuses to leave; she falls ill and eventually recovers...
Every summer Isak Lövenstad gathers his three daughters by different wives to the windswept Baltic island of Hammarsö. Here Erika, Laura, and Molly know, if only for the season, what it is to be a family, and here, in the society of children, each un...
Named in the New York Times Book Review’s 100 Notable Books of 2014!Ullmann’s characters are complex and paradoxical: neither fully guilty nor fully innocent Siri Brodal, a chef and restaurant owner, is married to Jon Dreyer, a ...
Called a “masterpiece” (Ali Smith), this stunning novel explores desire and anxiety, beauty and youth, memory and power.Paris, a winter’s night in 1983. The girl is sixteen years old, lost in unfamiliar streets. On a scrap of paper in her pocke...