Worlds collide in Lindsey Klingele’s debut young adult novel, THE MARKED GIRL, an exciting fantasy tale turned upside down. When Cedric, crowned prince of Caelum, and his fellow royal friends (including his betrothed, Kat) find themselves stran...
An exciting sequel to THE MARKED GIRL, filled with fantastical adventure and a quest to save two worlds… In the fantasy world of Caelum, Liv, Cedric, and Kat attempt to defeat an evil traitor and his army to save their families and the kingdom. ...
Stranger Things meets Men in Black in this funny and eerie young adult novel. WHAT’S GOING ON IN BONE LAKE? THE TRUTH WILL SURPRISE YOU. In small town Michigan, Penny Hardjoy, an aspiring journalist, teams up with the nerdy boy next door and ...