Chelsea has heard her grandmother speak of the crossroads of life. Chelsea is barely seventeen as the story unfolds and she knows this is her own crossroads. Her destiny was looking bright as she opened the three letters. Just the fact that all three...
Will seventeen-year-old Mai Vo discover the identity of Mr. Tran? Under darkness of the warm Vietnamese nights, with Mr. Tran's long, black trench coat, felt fedora and deep voice, Mai is intrigued with the unknown.
As her life is about to t...
A dramatic bush plane crash in coastal Alaska leaves the pilot injured. The passengers, a team of Special Olympic Athletes, must fend for themselves to survive. An Alaska storm first threatens to overwhelm them during the night as they care for their...
Dark curls and an unforgettably sweet laugh were all he knew of his sister's rescuer. Later, a second glimpse showed her to be lovely, and he heard her melodious laugh again. Darcy wondered what it would be like to meet this remarkable, and remarkabl...
Dark curls and an unforgettably sweet laugh . . . In Book I of the series, Her Unforgettable Laugh, a trip to Hertfordshire brought Fitzwilliam Darcy face-to-face with the woman who had haunted his dreams for five years. Their chance meeting led to a...
“You must marry her,” the stern voice said. “I need to gain control of her inheritance before she reaches her next birthday. It need not be a long marriage, but marry her you must.” Alone in the world, Elizabeth Bennet had to rely upon h...
Lizzy's Laughter contains the complete Her Unforgettable Laugh Series, books 1-3 in one book! HER UNFORGETTABLE LAUGH Dark curls and an unforgettably sweet laugh was all he knew of his sister's rescuer. Later, a second glimpse showed her to be lovely...
Her quest to avenge her brother consumes her. But can her victim offer redemption instead?"A taut, crisp debut achievement that colorfully evokes the Pacific theater of WWII. Start this one forewarned: it's a stay-up-all-night read." --Jerry B. Je...
A WWII Japanese naval officer. The teenage daughter of a legendary Christian samurai. Three centuries separate them, but a crucial question binds their destinies together. Which lives have value? In the highly anticipated sequel to her award-winning ...