As Jesse Quill watches her husband become obsessed with Maya, a sensuous Hawaiian aged 14, it soon becomes clear that she battles not merely with infidelity, but age-old beliefs of Hawaii. Through Jesse, the author creates a tale of the clash of cult...
Amid the changing political and social environment of a Colorado college campus, three friends--Lily, Kate, and Turner, a young man drawn to both women--must confront such issues as loneliness, pregnancy, and the disintegration of friendships...
Jesse Quill finds herself grappling with her husband's infidelity and the sanctity of one of the world's greatest taboos when they move to the Hawaiian island of Oahu to reclaim an inherited ancestral estate...
Pennsylvania, 1798. Daniel Dickinson, a devout Quaker, has just lost his wife. When he marries a fifteen-year-old Methodist orphan to help with his five small children, his fellow Quakers disown him for his impropriety. Forced out of the only communi...
It’s 1855, and the Dickinson farm, in the bottom corner of Virginia, is already in debt when a Northern abolitionist arrives and creates havoc among the slaves. Determined to find his mother and daughter, who are already free in Canada, Bry is the ...