Rachel, a naive farm woman who has led a sheltered life, partners with the alien beings that live in Mt. Shasta. Since she is the only human who the aliens trust, her mission is one of life and death for humanity. She is catapulted on a journey teemi...
Creating The Thirteenth Order is essential to insure that creation continues in the rapidly expanding universe. With Earth's axis shift corrected and humanity saved, Midas and the Guardians have only two items left to do before their final ascension....
For millennia, the Guardians have carefully watched over and guided the evolution of all species throughout the universe, including Earth humans. On Earth, they monitored and guided from within Mt. Shasta in the western United States. However, a disa...
2004 and 9.2 earthquake hit in Indonesia creating catastrophic catastrophes around the world. The earths surface is in peril and the only ones who can save it is the mysterious beings Inside mount Shasta. The earths axis has shift 3.19° out of rotat...
The revengeful Prometheus trapped the Guardians, with a gravity net, in a mountain on Darius. His plot is to kill them all so he can bring in the Thirteenth Order himself and declare himself the new king. Midas had a split second to send Rosie to get...
The revengeful Prometheus trapped the Guardians, with a gravity net, in a mountain on Darius. His plot is to kill them all so he can bring in the Thirteenth Order himself and declare himself the new king. Midas had a split second to send Rosie to get...
It's about an FBI agent who goes on vacation to his cabin and the hills of Pennsylvania. On a walk, becomes across a dilapidated barn where he hears men talking. He peaks in and discovers four men cooking meth. He's on vacation and he doesn't care so...