In this small-town mystery, a retired teacher moves to the Ozark mountains, where her eager manner ruffles some feathers -- and unearths dark secrets. Retired schoolteacher Caroline Hudson has moved to Hickory Bend, Missouri, to embrace small-town li...
The Ghost of Timmy Wahl: Eternal Secrets at Hunter’s Mill62,000 WordsBy Lin WaterhouseWhen Caroline Hudson retired to the tiny rural town of Sycamore Bend in the bucolic Missouri Ozarks, she never dreamed she would become known for sniffing out old...
A tiny Ozark town is haunted by a long-ago crime in this “dynamic, captivating” mystery by the author of Bred to the Bone (Mid-Atlantic Book Review). While visiting her mother in the rural Missouri town of Sycamore Bend, Catherin...