Serena, an ordinary fourteen-year-old girl, finds a mysterious talking cat called Luna, who enables her to become the superhero Sailor Moon, who must save her friends and her community from a jewelry shop, a psychic, and a late-night radio program th...
"MOON PRISM POWER MAKE-UP!" The bathroom filled with lights that flashed with crazy tie-die colors. When the light show ended, Serena was Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon wants to be a big famous star just like the teen sensation, SAFFRON. But something's n...
Serena hopes to have more time to relax after Mars joins the team, but things do not turn out that way for she must continue to use her powers as the superhero, Sailor Moon, to fight the forces of evil, Jedite and Queen Beryl....
Serena, who uses her powers as the superhero Sailor Moon to fight evil, finds her struggle against the Negaverse and her search for the Moon Princess complicated when her friend Molly falls in love with Nephlite, who is only using Molly to find the E...
Kotarou Oohira, a transfer student, does not realize that his cousin's and a classmate's ESP powers are intensified when they touch him, as they face some dangerous situations in school and in the community....