Set against the magnificent backdrop of Alaska in the waning days of World War II, The Cloud Atlas is an enthralling debut novel, a story of adventure and awakening -- and of a young soldier who came to Alaska on an extraordinary, top-secret missionâ...
The acclaimed author of The Cloud Atlas returns with a wondrous second novel. Set in a small beachfront Catholic high school, narrated by a beautifully complex heroine -- theology teacher Emily Hamilton -- All Saints is at once a mystery, a love stor...
Listen is a book where characters ask readers to do just that: listen to their stories, especially because many aren’t the type of people who often get listened to -- even though they should. These characters’ trials, missed connections, and sund...
A missing person, a grieving family, a curious clue: a half-finished manuscript set in Paris. Heading off in search of its author, a mother and her daughters find themselves in France, rescuing a failing bookstore and drawing closer to unexpected tru...
From nationally bestselling, award-winning author Liam Callanan, the story of an opportunity to start over at midlife, a chance to save a struggling convent in the Eternal City, and the dramatic re-emergence of an old flame . . .Claire, fifty-two, de...