Enter Laura's World...Her family is brutally murdered, and she finds herself on her knees praying for things she never could have imagined. Her dark journey of revenge takes off as she hunts her family's killers, while being chased down by a troubled...
A 20-Year Race Through Time...
In the near future, one man holds the key to our past. Chester Fuze lived a solitary life until he flung himself twenty years back in time. For years, he had loved movie star Rhonda Romero through television screens,...
Simon is a vampire, prowling through the dark New Orleans streets that pulse with wild adventure and fangs gleaming in the shadows. He's spent the last few decades as a recluse, aching over a lost love. Now, he's put it behind him, thirsting to fulfi...
Quick-witted Ruby and her gorgeous, vampire boyfriend Simon leave the warm beaches of Florida and return to New Orleans, only to discover that someone is trying to kill her best friend Ambrosia. Since they've been gone, devious Edgar has taken over t...