This “rich, intricate, heartfelt novel” follows generations of women as they grapple with the family roots that bind and sustain us all (The Washington Post).The Marchewka women relish the joys of family, from preparing traditional holiday meals ...
Fifteen-year-old Alice dreams of her first kiss, has sleepovers, auditions for Our Town, and tries to pass high school biology. It's 1975, and at first look, her life would seem to be normal and unexceptional. But in the world that Leslie Pietrzyk pa...
WINNER OF THE 2015 DRUE HEINZ LITERATURE PRIZESelected by Jill McCorkleThis Angel on My Chest is a collection of unconventionally linked stories, each about a different young woman whose husband dies suddenly and unexpectedly. Ranging from traditiona...
A nameless young woman starts her freshman year of college with one goal in mind: survival. Newly transplanted to the big city of Chicago, she is one of the rare few to leave her small working class town in Iowa, let alone for a prestigious univer...
A tour de force from a gifted writer. —The Washington Post A collection of stories set in Washington, D.C., full of scandal and insider details... An exciting read bristling with intelligence, political awareness, and psychological complexity...